the hero and his warden.

stjer leas

age - 22-27 years old as the warrior
birth date - 23rd sun 5th astral moon (libra)
birth place - jord, a village in the southern skatay range
place of death - ultima thule
height - 5'10" / 180cm
weight - 160lbs / 72kg
primary class - bard
paintinghot weather
gardeningtart/sour foods
river watersbusy places
Traitssincere, sweet, creative, selfless, considerate, polite, a little bit of humor and perhaps a touch of mischief.
Downfallsself-sacrificing, put others first always, kept his secrets to the grave.

stjer grew up like most all veena: a child of the snowy mountains of the skatay. his village, however, was not quite like others, and adopted some similar customs to the people who lived nearby-- which meant that little stjer was not a warder before he left home. a settlement that safeguarded their patch of the forests and respected nature, the viera of his home found comfort in trade with nearby people, both for information and goods, and kept an open mind to outside dealings when they came up. this encouraged stjer to chase his curiosity, and so he wandered away to catch an airship to eorzea at the ripe age of 21, just barely grown and eager to see the world he had heard so much about with his own eyes.falling into the role of warrior of light was easy for him, then. young, eager to help people, eager to make acquaintances and friends and see the world and believe in its good, stjer became the epitome of the selfless hero, and found himself often putting his own needs and feelings aside for the greater good. this was often contested, both by his esteem, but also by kuu, his steadfast companion whom he came to love. that love would manifest at the end of it all, in one final act...the sole selfish moment stolen-- to give up all he was in order to keep his most beloved kuu safe, and to give life to the voice in his mind that loved him despite it all.

kuu maekir

a viera(?) the young new adventurer had met shortly after arriving in Gridania. stjer bonded with him over their (assumed) kinship (wow another viera so far from home!) and invited him to join, and kuu, for reasons unknown being as antisocial as he is, accepted the invitation. this would grow into a bond unique solely to them, as kuu witnesses the trials of the warrior of light and takes it upon himself to make sure stjer is cared for. stjer gains a deep fondness for him, for the soft and quiet one always at his side who encouraged everything he truly enjoyed... feelings he never allows himself to share, for what person would want to entrust their future to the whims of a hero's fate?

samir anand

a veteran adventurer with ambiguous origins, another stjer meets early in Gridania; stjer is charmed by his easy-going and friendly nature, and finding himself learning much in just brief interactions alone he invites samir to come along. which the hyur does--off and on, accompanying the warrior of light when their paths align, gaining the sort of fondness an older brother feels for their naive younger sibling (and perhaps seeing a bit of his younger self in him as well). unfortunately, not even his gentle guidance could sway stjer from his chosen course.

weylin leas

age - a handful of years literally, roughly middle adulthood mentally
"birth" date - 20th sun 2nd astral moon (aries)
"birth" place - ultima thule
height - 5'10" / 180cm
weight - 210lbs / 96kg
primary class - dark knight
rich foodsignorance
sword practiceself-deprecation
the sound of winddishonesty
the weight of holdinglong waits
Traitsassured, proactive, motivating, kind to those he respects. foul-mouthed. can be shy in certain.. personal circumstances
Downfallssharp-tongued, stubborn, hot-tempered, unlearning old mentalities.

the esteem of the deceased hero, stjer. weylin is a being created of dynamis at the end of the universe, a manifestation of the mentor stjer wanted, the brother stjer wished he had known, and the ever-present voice of care that the warrior of light thought deserved a life of his own. at first, the corporeal form weylin took was one simply reminiscent of his time as an esteem, a body exactly alike stjer's save for one golden yellow eye. as time went on, his own traits would manifest, tells of his coming into his own not just as an esteem, but as himself.getting to that point, of course, was riddled with trials. the first and most pressing was being certain kuu would both accept him, and work alongside him, as weylin began his journey in stjer's stead-- with his face, his name, and his titles all on his shoulders. this image shattered fairly quickly after a certain voidsent made her prior occupation known, and from then on weylin contended with the morality of letting himself live his own life (unknowing that this is exactly what stjer wished for him).with time, he settled into a name, and with a name came changes-- his hair lightened, his face shifted, and his body grew to befit his role as dark knight in ways stjer's never had. his personality began to shine through, unfettered by the need to appear as the person he had tried to be; from polite and selfless to a champion of curses and selfishness...though still with the necessary knowledge of respect and diplomacy. as needed, now, as opposed to always.from the ghost of one loved gone, the sun's shadow, now to a being true...a star of his own.

kuu maekir

stjer's constant companion, at first, did not trust his esteem worth a damn and nearly beat him senseless--but this is to be expected after weylin tried to possess stjer during the course of their "mentorship." regardless, weylin came to trust kuu during his time as esteem, respecting his capability and appreciating how he could care for his ward where an esteem could not--and unwittingly, this endeared him to kuu in much the same way stjer was. their relationship post-thule begins strained, with weylin especially lamenting that he now stands where stjer could not.. but he believes kuu deserves the same level of care he gave in he'll endure kuu's effortless successes at getting embarrassingly under his skin. it's.. cute, anyways.

samir anand

another individual worthy of weylin's hard-earned respect in how he treated the warrior of light as kindly as any other, weylin appreciates his expertise--and enjoys himself quite a bit when they occasionally butt heads, or egos. he is one of the few who is told the truth of stjer's untimely passing, and has been... pseudo-adopted in to the former esteem's purview of people to tend to. while the former alaudae may be much healed in his older years, even the strongest of people need to be picked back up every so often.not to mention, weylin still remembers how samir walked away from the offer of his soul stone, many years ago.